【實用健康app】FREE Mindfulness Activities|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】FREE Mindfulness Activities|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】FREE Mindfulness Activities-APP點子

Make every moment a mindful moment. You know how important mindfulness is but how do you practice it regularly?

【免費健康App】FREE Mindfulness Activities-APP點子

WARNING! Practicing these activities makes you feel GREAT!

This FREE version introduces you to the Awareness and Compassion decks.

The Mindfulness Activities are designed to fit into your daily routine and develop positive thinking, mindfulness, gratitude, compassion, relaxation, calm abiding, insight and kindness.

We live in a world of chronic low-level stress and constant time-pressures so it is little wonder so many of us experience ill health and mental unease.

This app is designed specifically to invoke the renewal state with a broad range of simple physical and non-physical activities lasting from a few moments to all day.

Remember you can use all of life as a mindfulness activity, neither blindly clinging nor critically avoiding: just noticing.

If you enjoy this app, why not upgrade to the full version and expand your choice of activities with the additional Relaxation, Gratitude and all day Renewal decks.

Give yourself the gift of renewal today.

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