【實用娛樂app】FSEdroid FSEconomy Android App|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】FSEdroid FSEconomy Android App|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】FSEdroid FSEconomy Android App-APP點子


Access both forums and client using a simple tab system

【免費娛樂App】FSEdroid FSEconomy Android App-APP點子

Easy Navigation

Pinch to zoom in or out (or use the Zoom toggles)

Local cookie/password storage.


FSEdroid is designed to allow full and easy access to your FSEconomy.net account, both in game and forums. Suitable for all android devices

FSEconomy is a multi-player "persistent world" add-on for flight simulators, with an economical focus. It is "persistent" in that the aspects of the game - the aircraft location and fuel levels, etc. - are controlled by the players. Other players see changes in these items within the "game world".

FSEconomy is not a Virtual Airline. There is no schedule; there are no "levels"; there are no requirements to start from the bottom and work your way up. However, many VAs do use the FSEconomy system to operate their VA.

FSEconomy strives to be a framework within which players can decide what FSE is to them... their "style of play" is the phrase frequently used. It is an open-ended platform, allowing each member to tailor their experience to their individual liking. Some members choose to use FSEconomy completely on their own; others choose to work with a few other players; and still others choose to join one or more communities of made up of dozens of other players.

The basic concept of FSEconomy is that players use aircraft to move virtual passengers or cargo. Players can own their own aircraft, or rent them from other players or from "the system". Players must be aware of their aircraft's capabilities and fuel levels so that they can carry the cargo selected, or to not become stranded at an airport without fuel. There are many expenses associated with every flight - rental charges, fuel costs, etc.; as well as income from the virtual passengers or cargo. The goal is to make more income than associated operating expenses.

Compatible with FS2004, FSX, and Xplane

FSEdroid is currently a multi-tab wrapper enabling direct access to the main FSEconomy pages. ALL user information is stored on your local device.

For Support, please visit http://www.fseconomy.net and join the FSEdroid group, or PM jrw_fsx directly.

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