【實用遊戲app】FSS 737 Overhead|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】FSS 737 Overhead|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】FSS 737 Overhead-APP點子

737 Overhead Panel w/Indicators & Sound for:Microsoft Flight Simulator X (except PMDG), Lockheed Prepar3D & XPlane!! NO KEYSTROKE OR ASSIGNMENTS !!**FEATURES**-Leading Edge Flaps & Slats Indicators (In Transition, Mid Extended, & Full Extended)-Engine FIRE Bottle Controls w/Indicators & Alarm Sound-APU FIRE Bottle Controls w/Indicators & Alarm Sound-BLEED AIR Control-Yaw Damper Buttons w/ Indicators-Lights Switches w/Indicators(Landing, Taxi, Instrument, Strobe, Beacon, Nav, Cabin, Logo, Wing, Recog)-TRIM Center Buttons (Elevator, Ailerons, & Rudder)-Engine Starter Switches w/Indicators-Engine Fuel Valves(mixture) Knobs w/Indicators-Engine Generators Switches w/ Available/Fault Indicators-Engine Deice Switches w/Indicators-Engine & Electric Hyd Pump Switches w/Indicators-Engine & Electric Hyd Pressure Low Indicators-Engine Fuel Pump Switches w/Indicators-Jettison Fuel w/ Active TONE-Fuel Crossfeed Knob w/Indicator-APU Starter Switch w/Indicator-Apu Gen Switch w/ Available/Fault Indicators-Battery Master Switch-Avionics Master Switch-Pitot Heat Switch w/Indicators-Structural Deice Switch w/Indicator-Engine Deice Switches w/Indicators-PUSHBACK Control w/Indicators-Parking Brake Lever w/Indicators-Speed Brake ARM Button w/Indicator-Pause Button-All 4 Door Controls w/Indicators-JETWAY Attach/Detach-SeatBelt Switch w/Indicators-No Smoking Switch w/IndicatorsFSX / P3D users:"MUST" have Pete Dawson's FSUIPC4 with or without WIDE CLIENT installed in FSX (registered FSUIPC is preferred but unregistered"FREE" functions also). Available at:http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.htmlXPlane users:"MUST" have XPUIPC or WPWideClient installed.Available at:http://www.tosi-online.de/XPUIPC/XPUIPC.htmlUser "MUST" also download and Install (a very LIGHT weight server) FSS Server ver2.1 or Higher from www.flightsimsystemsllc.comREADME is include in the download. **SIMPLE** 1-5 minutes NO Key Assignment install and you are ready"FULLY COMPATIBLE with SkeeterBilt FlyPod" Many Thanks to all that contributed to XPUIPCMany Thanks to Pete Dawson, Istavan Varadi, and all that contributed to FSUIPC

【免費遊戲App】FSS 737 Overhead-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】FSS 737 Overhead-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】FSS 737 Overhead-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】FSS 737 Overhead-APP點子

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