



FaceDubb | hilarious lip sync selfieFacedubb ™ is all about fun and is used for making and sharing funny and creative video selfies.With this free creative app make hilarious video selfies by lip syncing to your favourite celebrity, cartoon characters’ chirpy or quirky voices, or entertaining sound effects.Facedubb features a range of famous celebrity, cartoon characters’ voices, and a wide range of amusing sounds that you can use for creating your hilarious self-videos with ease or customise the app & add your own sound files. Share with your friends and family they will be highly amused and want to have a go themselves.Some Key Features of FaceDubb ™• Free to download and free to use• Make and share an unlimited number of funny and entertaining videos• Save the funny selfies in app account “My Dubbs”• Save the FaceDubb selfie to your phone memory or share direct from your phone.• Share by email, instant message, Whatsapp, Wechat and FaceBook• Invite friends to use the app FaceDubb for making funny video selfies,• Hundreds of celebrity voices, cartoon characters and sound effects.• Voices designed for Facebook, Mondays, Fridays, Sarcasm, Insults, Birthday Songs.• Regular updates of new sounds and voices.• Add your own sounds for your FaceDubb video selfie!• Submit your favorite Facedubb selfie’s and win prizesDownload FaceDubb Today





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會說話的美羊羊 - Talking Tibbie Free

美羊羊是一隻住在青青草原的小羊,她喜歡粉紅色,經常戴著粉紅色的角,穿著粉紅色鞋子。她愛美,愛打扮,心靈手巧,能用任何東西編織出可以用來打扮的飾物。一切“美”有關的,她都非常精通。她愛和朋友們一起玩耍嬉戲。她在羊村裡最受羊羊們歡迎,是大傢跟風學習糢仿的對象。用手指觸碰美羊羊,看她有趣的反應和動作,聽她 …
会说话的小佑猴 免費

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