【實用生活app】Family First|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Family First|最夯免費app


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The Family First App is an easy way to keep connected. You can get all the latest news and updates about Family First and share it with your friends, family and other supporters through Facebook and twitter. Other features include special quotes, the national anthem and the election countdown.Many of you might not be aware about this app but do not worry. Family First App in simple words is an app that makes you stay connected and updated with the latest news and hot topics about Family First. The app also lets you share with your friends, family and other supporters via Facebook and Twitter. Other features include a send message to Family First, special quotes, national anthem and election countdown.The most impressive feature of this app is the voting campaign. It’s completely in game mode. So, voting is more like fun. The game is located on the front page with an Australian map jigsaw puzzle and 21 different Family First policies to vote from. It allows you to vote for one Family First policy at a time. Every time you vote, you will receive one point and if you invite your friends to download the app, you earn 2 points. When you reach a certain number of points, you will be entitled to different upgrades/rewards:1. Privilege - This allows you to place 2 votes a day, 4 votes a day and so on.2.Titles - Vote for your chosen policy and when you reach the voting limit for that policy, you will solve 1 part of the jigsaw puzzle and then another policy will be unlocked. With increased numbers of your votes, you will be moving from level to level earning different titles such as a Diplomat, Governor, Senator or Prime Minister.•Level 1:You will need to vote for four polices to complete the parts of the puzzle. The first hundred voters who complete level 1 will be honored with title “Diplomat”. However, others can still compete for the seat of a Governor, Senator or Prime Minister if the hundred seats of Diplomats are taken.•Level 2: This requires you to unlock a total of nine policies and solve the puzzle by voting. The first 6 users who solve nine parts of the puzzle will be honored with the title “Governor”.•Level 3: This requires you to unlock fifteen policies and solve the puzzle by voting. The first 76 users who solve fifteen parts of the puzzle will be honored with the title “Senator”.•Level 4: This is the final level where you are required to complete the whole jigsaw puzzle i.e. twenty one policies. The first voter who is able to complete this level will be honored with the title “Prime Minister”. Since there will be only one Prime Minister, why don’t you be the one?The more you vote the greater are your chances of completing the map of Australia with the ultimate goal of gaining the title of Prime Minister. Don’t waste time, complete the puzzle now.Stay connected as there is more to explore.Features 1. Sign up using Facebook , Twitter2. Vote for any one slogan each day 3. View top voters4. Family First and election related news 5. Special quote daily 6. National Anthem 7. Election Day countdown

【免費生活App】Family First-APP點子

【免費生活App】Family First-APP點子

【免費生活App】Family First-APP點子

【免費生活App】Family First-APP點子

【免費生活App】Family First-APP點子

【免費生活App】Family First-APP點子

【免費生活App】Family First-APP點子

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