【實用運動app】Fantasy Football Draft Machine|最夯免費app

【實用運動app】Fantasy Football Draft Machine|最夯免費app


【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

Fantasy Football 2013 Draft Orders!

This is a fantasy football draft order generator, often referred to as a cheat sheet. What makes this system unique is it combines Value Based Drafting (orders determined by last year's results) and current "expert ratings". New this year, includes Mock Drafting! Draft Against the computer from any position!

•Value Based Drafting Engine: Using my custom Value Based Drafting algorithm, players are ranked using all the settings in your league, not just based on points from last year. I take into account, starters, the deviation from the average at the position, number of people in your league, and more.

•Deep custom scoring rules based on Yahoo!, ESPN, and other popular fantasy web sites. Includes bonus points, return yards, defensive points against, and more.

•Lets you customize the league for the number of players and put limits on the number of starters and backups at each position. It can even handle flex positions.

•Regular player news right in the draft sheet, you don't have to click on a news feed or go to another page, it tells you right there while you are drafting.

•Track keepers by marking them before the draft.

•Individual Defensive Players (IDP) included.

•Manual adjustment of the orders, you can move players where you want them after the orders are generated and save that custom configuration.

•Sort players by position quickly during the draft.

•The custom scoring engine includes tons of stats for Offensive, Kickers, Team Defense, Individual Defense, Bonus Settings, Starting Positions, Bench Positions, and Players in your league.

•This tool assumes somewhat standard league settings (it can handle just about all of the positions and scoring options in Yahoo, ESPN, NFL, etc). It can deal with QB, WR, RB, TE, K, DEF, and all the individual defensive positions.

•Included is a list of rookies and players from last year that should be considered in your draft.

•When you generate these draft orders you get a list from top to bottom of every player you need to consider in your draft and based upon the settings in your league. You don't have to compare across positions or try to determine what position is most important in your league. This draft order takes everything into account now all you have to do is pick!

***As a note if you ever have a problem with the App there is a backup version of it at the support web site all you have to do is email for a username and password.***

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

【免費運動App】Fantasy Football Draft Machine-APP點子

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