【實用棋類遊戲app】Farkle Dice|最夯免費app

【實用棋類遊戲app】Farkle Dice|最夯免費app


【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

Farkle Dice is a highly addictive roll-the-dice game for your android phone.With its elegant design will allow you to enjoy yourself for hours.

Farkle Rules:

Your turn starts by ROLLING six dice. Take at least one scoring combination. than you can RE-ROLL the remaining dice.

Once you get 300 points, you can COLLECT them and start new round. If after rolling there is no scoring combination, you get a FARKLE, losing all points from that round.

If you have three FARKLES in a row you will lose 500 points.

Game Modes:

* Quick Game: Collect as many points as possible during 10 rounds.

* Play For Chips: Collect 5000 points or more in 10 rounds to win chips. The amount of chips rewarded depends on the bet and points you choose. You can use your chips to buy virtual goods from the shop.

* Play vs CPU: Play against the CPU and be the first to collect 5000 points to win.

Social gaming stuff:

【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

* Scoreloop integration

【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

* Compare scores with friends on Online leader-boards

【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

* Unlock achievements and earn chips

【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

* Buy virtual good to boost your score

Farkle Dice - Roll and Risk it All

【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

【免費棋類遊戲App】Farkle Dice-APP點子

免費玩Farkle Dice APP玩免費

免費玩Farkle Dice App

Farkle Dice APP LOGO

Farkle Dice LOGO-APP點子

Farkle Dice APP QRCode

Farkle Dice QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play