【實用工具app】Farm Mapping GPS Utility|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Farm Mapping GPS Utility|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

Manage your farms & fields like never before with AGDROID the ultimate portable productivity tool for agriculture, farming, forestry and more from Farmscan Ag.

We are an industry leading company that specialises in GPS & Rate controllers for all types of farming operations.

• Record multiple fields and jobs, including applied products (fertilizer, herbicide, fungicide etc).

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

• Record and calculate field and job/coverage area based upon field boundary, distance travelled and implement width, with recording start and stop.

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

• GPS area calculation works for both field boundary area, and job coverage area or manual selection.

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

• Import and export field boundaries, and export job coverage trails, in KML format.

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

• Record field features as marked points with descriptions.

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

• Moving map display allows North-Up or Heads-Up operation.

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

• Works with metric and imperial units.

We welcome any suggestions via our support email for future additions.

Manual can be downloaded from http://www.farmscanag.com/Support/agdroid/manual.pdf">Here

If you are looking for Windows Tablet Based Software visit www.farmscan.ag

Please note that 3G & GPS is required for operation. If 3G is lost maps will fail to load. We are working on this for future releases.

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

【免費工具App】Farm Mapping GPS Utility-APP點子

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免費玩Farm Mapping GPS Utility App

Farm Mapping GPS Utility APP LOGO

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