【實用街機app】Fat Ninja|最夯免費app

【實用街機app】Fat Ninja|最夯免費app


【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子

***Developer's Note: Please uninstall the "lite" version of Fat Ninja before progressing in this full version.***

This is the FULL version of Fat Ninja!

【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子


- For a total of 5

【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子


- For a total of 12

【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子


- For a total of 4

【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子

Fat Ninja is the perfect runner game for the gamer on the go! This 2-dimensional "runner" platformer will keep you at the edge of your seat! You may have played runner games before, but you've never played anything like this! Fat Ninja will leave hardcore gamers feeling well-satisfied while casual gamers will get a great reflex workout!

Play as Chin, our overweight ninja friend. Chin has mastered the art of eating, but needs a little guidance when it comes to fighting enemy ninja clans. As you sprint through beautifully-crafted worlds, you will need to help Chin to survive. Use swords, shurikens, and other abilities to fend off enemies and obstacles while being sure to keep yourself well-fed with sushi. This is your last chance to prove yourself to be a true ninja, so don't screw it up!

【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子

The Ikari clan has stolen the Yorokobi's most prized possession; the Sword of Elements. You will need to chase down the Ikari tribe as they stash pieces of this sword all over the world, in different continents. As you progress, you will unlock new abilities and attacks that Chin can use! But be warned; enemies will not just stand down and allow you to blaze through their forces!

So gather some sushi, cut down your enemies where they stand, and prove to your clan that you are a true warrior worthy of the ninja title!

【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子

WARNING: There is no guarantee that playing this game will turn you into a true ninja warrior. Side-effects may include long nights of failing again and again, throwing your device out of anger, and screaming in joy upon level completion. Please consult a professional ninja before using this product. No ninjas were harmed in the making of this game.

【免費街機App】Fat Ninja-APP點子

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