【實用娛樂app】Feel Better!|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Feel Better!|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】Feel Better!-APP點子

Have you ever regretted being overcome by anger? Have you ever wished you could feel more peaceful? Have you ever wondered why you had negative feelings but don't know where they come from?

【免費娛樂App】Feel Better!-APP點子

Feel Better will help you to Feel Better!

【免費娛樂App】Feel Better!-APP點子

For thousands of years people have searched for answers to these questions. For thousands of years people have developed techniques to better manage their emotions and face fear, control anger, become inspired, and find hope. In this app you will find the best of these approaches aimed at helping you improve the management of your own emotions and gain insights into your own mind.

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What others are saying in the social media and our surveys:

【免費娛樂App】Feel Better!-APP點子

"Cool. Like having a mini reminder therapist in your pocket - there just when you need it."

【免費娛樂App】Feel Better!-APP點子

"I feel better because...the app was easy and gave me a pause, also I enjoyed the feeling of progress."

【免費娛樂App】Feel Better!-APP點子

"Interesting, emerging tool to help us manage our emotions and stay mindful in the workplace. Thank you."

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"I just downloaded the app - looks interesting. I ran through one of the feelings rather quickly - easy to use; works well."

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"I like...the practical application to my life experience."

【免費娛樂App】Feel Better!-APP點子

The Feel Better App is a game for ages 18+. Start at the Beginner level and progress to ever-increasing levels of self-awareness and personal transformation. This app is not intended to be a substitute for the services of any health care professional. For real-life situations seek the advice and services of a licensed health care professional. Dr. Brian Barnes is not responsible for any consequences incurred by your use of the app. Any application of the techniques described herein is at your discretion and is your sole responsibility. No representation contained in these materials is intended as medical advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical treatment. This is app is not intended to serve as any form of therapy or medical advice. This app is based on the personal observations and experience of Dr. Brian Barnes. You, the user, must take 100% responsibility for your own health, both physical and emotional. This app should not be used or misconstrued to diagnose the presence or absence of any particular mental, physical, or emotional ailment. Your use of this app is your agreement to hold Dr. Brian Barnes harmless for anything that may arise. Notwithstanding, in no event shall any resulting remuneration exceed the cost of this app at the time of purchase. If you do not agree then do not download this app.

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Feel Better! APP QRCode

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