【實用書籍app】Feng Shui Guide|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Feng Shui Guide|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Feng Shui Guide-APP點子

Plan your home, improve your relationships, and achieve career success with this easy to follow Feng Shui Guide.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement objects in space to achieve harmony with the environment. The practice is estimated to be more than 3,000 years old. Feng Shui literally means "wind and water" in Chinese. Feng Shui is based on the premise that people, places and things have energy. Positive energy is called chi and negative energy is called sha.

According to an ancient Chinese teaching every person is born with four favorable and four harmful directions. To fulfill his/her potential a person should utilize the auspicious directions and avoid "unlucky" ones. Each of the auspicious directions attracts a slightly different kind of good fortune. For example sleeping in your SHENG CHI direction will bring you money and career luck. It is also the direction that you should face when negotiating or giving an important presentation. If you want to get married or conceive a child you should focus on your NIEN YEN direction. Your auspicious direction can be calculated based on your gender and the year you were born. This software uses the Eight Mansions formula to identify your auspicious directions and explain the meaning of each direction.


Intended for everyone interested in Feng Shui.

Table of Contents

Home Planning: Landscape | Environment | Front Entrance

Inside the House: Entrance Door | Bedroom | Office | Chinese Traditional Methods to Enhance Chi Energy | Color Guide

Auspicious Directions: Auspicious Directions Calculator | Sleeping Directions | Doors | Office

Product Features:

Fully illustrated.

Optimized for a small screen.

Detailed description.

【免費書籍App】Feng Shui Guide-APP點子

Reveal your auspicious directions and achieve career success, excellent health, happy marriage and harmonious relationships (based on gender and date of birth).

Navigate from Table of Contents or search for the words or phrases

Access the guide anytime, anywhere - at home, on the train, in the subway.

【免費書籍App】Feng Shui Guide-APP點子

Multi-Platform device capability (PDA, smartphone, PC)

Add Bookmarks

Text annotation and mark-up

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Always have the guide available for a quick reference.

Automatic synchronization between the handheld and the desktop PC. You could read half of the book on the handheld, then finish reading on the desktop. Annotations and drawings are also synchronized.

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