【實用個人化app】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Important Note: Only for use with Theme Chooser / Theme Engine. A custom rooted ROM with Theme Engine / Chooser is required to run this application. If you do not understand these terms, this application is not for you.

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【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

~ 3rd Week of June - 1 week since release

Fi - The first CM11/PA theme in the world to have an inbuilt color chooser.

Fi's color changing ability operates through it's beautiful new application. As soon as you fire it up, you're presented with a clean and bold menu which guides you through 3 different options at the moment as you can see in the first frame of the promo image.

By clicking on Choose Themes, you can select the various color options available at that moment. This release has brought the new Blue variant - A very subtle blue which doesn't pop-out too much. A new coming soon card would always be visible in the theme chooser menu to let you know about what color is coming up next.

Color/Theme Preview windows have a small blimp on the top right corner of the preview image which indicate the selected theme's accent color. In this image, you can see the blue used in Fi's new color variant.

Facade Interface (Fi) is a one of a kind theme which follows a Flat UI Design Language. Fi is made to provide you a great user experience. Fi's main design objective was to theme/craft everything which is seen by the user every time the device is used, therefore Fi provides a great experience through it's features like the custom high-quality lockscreen look, sweet navigation bar buttons & much more.

What makes Fi unique is that Fi's main theme color (Initial Release: Carroty-Red) would keep changing every month through a theme update which would keep things exciting, stopping you from getting bored of your phone. The color would change on the 11th day of the month as Fi was released on the 11th of June.

Fi's attention to detail would amaze you - Each and every themed element was carefully examined before release on various devices. The themed items are of great resolution/clarity - You won't see a single blurry themed element.

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Fi is optimized for XXHDPI & XHDPI devices.

To know your screen density, you could go to: http://goo.gl/alcpMv

IMPORTANT: Those who uses a device with 512mb or less RAM, I recommend NOT applying the bootanimation.

Fi Includes:

Fi Wallpapers (Default & Lockscreen)

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Fi Tones (Fi 'Crafted Ringtone, Notification Tone & Alarm Tone)

Fi Navigation Bar Dot-Icons (Minimalistic Dot Navbar Items with State Changes - Perfectly matching the theme)

Fi Custom Lockscreen

Fi Bootanimation

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Fi Custom Google Keyboard Skin

Default Android KK Fonts (Best Match)

Themed Items:

Holo Dark & Holo Light Values

Notification Backgrounds

Action Bars (Carroty-Red - This Month)

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Flat Action Bars (Dark & Light)

Buttons & Checkboxes (Buttons, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Scrubber Tabs)

Navigation Bar Glow (Flat, No Shadow)

Notification Panel (Flat, Unity Look)

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Custom Switches

Dialog Windows

Alert Windows

List Views

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Lockscreen Layers (Player Background)

Menu Windows/Lists/Dropdowns

Progress Bars (Carroty-Red - This Month)

Scrubbers (Carroty-Red - This Month)

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Rating Stars (Carroty-Red - This Month)

Keyboard Text Handlers

Toast Frame

Calculator UI

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

Appwidget Settings

Gmail Widget Header (Concept Blue)

Google Quick Search Toast Frame

Bonus: Whatsapp Action Bar - Flat

THE ICONS SHOWN IN THE SCREENSHOTS ARE NOT INCLUDED. They're Moonshine Icons, also available on the Play Store, it is HIGHLY recommended you use them with the theme. A great match!

Fi is a part of the Layars Theme Project. Community & Support - http://goo.gl/rkYOwq

【免費個人化App】Fi - PA/CM11 Theme-APP點子

NOTICE: Large Size due to Quality Management.

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免費玩Fi - PA/CM11 Theme App

Fi - PA/CM11 Theme APP LOGO

Fi - PA/CM11 Theme LOGO-APP點子

Fi - PA/CM11 Theme APP QRCode

Fi - PA/CM11 Theme QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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