【實用解謎app】Find Shrek:Sliding Puzzle Game|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Find Shrek:Sliding Puzzle Game|最夯免費app


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Slide Puzzle is an easy, very funny and entertaining game.

【免費解謎App】Find Shrek:Sliding Puzzle Game-APP點子

It´s a free game, consisting in moving the pieces to the correct square in order to assemble the picture.

The pieces can be moved to the square next to them, if it is not occupied by another piece, that means you can only move a piece to an empty square.

【免費解謎App】Find Shrek:Sliding Puzzle Game-APP點子

To move a piece, only slide it towards the empty square. At the end, the empty square must be in the down right corner.

The sliding puzzle is a classical puzzle game for any ages, enjoyed by children and adults.

The sliding puzzle is a classical puzzle game for puzzle solver.

【免費解謎App】Find Shrek:Sliding Puzzle Game-APP點子

Resolve the puzzle choosing an image given in the app.

The game has 3 levels:

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Beginner - 2 X 3 PIECES

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Master - 3 X 5 PIECES

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Expert - 4 X 6 PIECES

Important Features:

【免費解謎App】Find Shrek:Sliding Puzzle Game-APP點子

1. User can save solved images in Gallary

2. Hint available for player for any level and any time

3. Any time player can scramble the Squares.

(see the screenshots so you have an idea about it).

Write your suggesion for improvemnt in Application.

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