【實用健康app】Fitness Flow|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Fitness Flow|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

Fitness Flow is ON SALE for only $3.99 USD -- get the full app at 20% off (sale ends soon)!

Stream HD exercise videos with Fitness Flow. Do a new workout every time - you'll never get bored! Go at your own pace, learn new exercises and work out until you’ve had enough. Beat your previous exercise times and get fit fast while having fun. Fitness Flow is ideal for the on-the-go exerciser -- we provide bodyweight & dumbbell exercises you can do anywhere. Download Fitness Flow now and begin your exercise adventure!

This full version of Fitness Flow includes 100+ exercises to choose from!

★ Work out to streaming high-quality HD exercise videos

【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

★ Listen to the pros tell you exactly what to do incl. timing cues

【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

★ Choose-your-own-workout with tons of exercises to choose from

【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

★ Filter exercises by equipment required & target body areas

【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

★ Go at your own pace and decide how many reps you want to do

【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

★ Add exercise notes and see your workout history

【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

★ Share your workout: challenge friends on Facebook & Twitter

【免費健康App】Fitness Flow-APP點子

★ Ad-free experience with this full version of Fitness Flow!!!

Go with the flow and get healthy today with Skimble's Fitness Flow app and achieve your health-related New Year's resolution goals for 2015!

Note: The Fitness Flow application requires a good internet connection to stream HD videos using YouTube onto your Android phone or tablet. Enjoy :)

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Fitness Flow APP LOGO

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Fitness Flow APP QRCode

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