



FlexScore is a free, automated financial planning platform that answers the big questions in the back of your mind: how am I doing financially and what should I do to improve? Much more than just another budgeting app, FlexScore presents you with a holistic view of your personal finances across several categories—savings, debts, retirement accounts, investments, insurance plans, and more. FlexScore distills all that boring stuff into a single score on a scale of 0 to 1,000 and then tells you the Action Steps to take to earn more points, and actually improve financially. Here’s how it works: First, you download the free FlexScore mobile app and create an account. Then, you take a minute to complete a personal profile page that gives us some general info about you—age, income, marital status, number of kids, and what financial goals you’ve set for the coming years. Next, you connect your financial accounts so that our patented algorithm can determine the best financial moves you should be making. Just tell us what you want to achieve, and we’ll give you a list of personalized steps to help you get there faster.Some of FlexScore’s unique features:Patented scoring algorithm based on financial industry standards, such as those set by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards• Simple, intuitive scoring system of 0 to 1,000 (1,000 = financial independence!)• Clear, easy-to-navigate layout• Dashboard lets you view all your assets and debts at a glance• Aggregation feature links FlexScore to your bank, credit union, company retirement plan, and brokerage accounts (8,000+ financial institutions supported)• Automatic updates save you from tedious data entry• Personalized financial advice (Action Steps) for short-term and long-term goals• FlexScore Learning Center with hundreds of educational articles on personal finance curated for your exact needs• Bank level security, with audits by Norton and McAfee• Available in mobile and desktop versions (both free)FlexScore was designed by two financial planners who have a combined 27 years of experience helping families and business owners manage their money. With FlexScore, they are making financial planning accessible, simple, and even a little fun.










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