【實用工具app】FolderMount [ROOT]|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】FolderMount [ROOT]|最夯免費app


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ROOT is required. Without it, the app will not launch.

Problems? Use the EMAIL DEVELOPER link in the Play Store.

Today some apps store big files over the internal SD card (e.g. games, podcasts, offline RSS content, pictures, videos, offline navigation software). Typically users have a small internal sd card size (~16GB) while the external SD is a lot bigger (~32-64GB). Most of these apps users download from the Play Store save their application data in the internal sdcard by default and don't have an option to use the external SD card to store data so they starve your internal SD card memory. FolderMount is the solution to this issue. This app has the ability to link folders in your internal sdcard to folders in your external sdcard thereby populating the internal sdcard folders with content that really exists in the external card. This helps us free space and have multiple games/apps with big data stored simultaneously without the need to uninstall. For Nexus devices with no external sdcard, this application should help link folders to a usb flash drive for example.

Features of FolderMount:

【免費工具App】FolderMount [ROOT]-APP點子

* Mount internal SD card folders to external SD folders.

* Move content from internal to external when a pair is added. (Dialog prompt)

【免費工具App】FolderMount [ROOT]-APP點子

* Support for Android 2.3 - 5.0.

* Holo themed throughout and an intuitive GUI design.

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* It will check SDCARD mount status and remount if necessary.

Limitation of the free app:

* Only 3 mount pairs allowed

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* File Explorer does not list the sizes of the displayed folders

* Some restrictions apply on the on the type/path of source folder

Purchase "pro" from within the app to unlock these limitations.


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* Add a folder pair. Source is the internal sdcard and destination is your extSdCard

* After adding, FM will offer to move the files for you. Click yes.

【免費工具App】FolderMount [ROOT]-APP點子

* Wait until the move operation is done then click on the PIN. If PIN turns green, you're all set.

* The files will exist in both the source and destination after mounting. This is expected and is normal. The files you see in your internal sdcard actually reside in your external sdcard now and if you "unpin" the pair, you'll see that your internal sdcard is empty again.

There are other apps that do the same functionality but this is the first to bring you support for Android 4.2 with a Holo themed app and an intuitive interface.

Special thanks goes to Androidizen for creating the video promo of this app.

Have fun :-)

Disclaimer: This app does not guarantee functionality in any way, shape, or form. It is not my responsibility if this app does not work, breaks your sdcard or eats your kittens. User discretion is advised.

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FolderMount [ROOT] APP LOGO

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FolderMount [ROOT] APP QRCode

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Google Play
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play



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