【實用生活app】Food Intolerances|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Food Intolerances|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

The app Food Intolerances is a tool to help everyone who has to stick to a restricted diet because of food intolerances or allergies. Typical applications are: histamine intolerance, mastocytosis, fructose malabsorption, sorbitol intolerance, aspirin intolerance, gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance or a low sugar diet.It contains about 700 foods that are commented and rated in view of the following subjects: - Carbohydrate malabsorptions • Fructose malabsorption• Fructose/glucose ratio• Content of sugar (sucrose)• Sorbitol and other sugar alcohols• Lactose intolerance• Problematic fibers (i.e. fructans, galactans)• Comments and rating of tolerance- Histamine intolerance / Mastocytosis• Histamine content of foods • Biogenic amines (e.g. tyramine) • Histamine liberators and DAO inhibitors • Problematic drugs• Food additives • Comments and rating of tolerance - Aspirin/Salicylate intolerance • Salicylate content • Problematic food additives • Comments and rating of tolerance- Other intolerances and allergies• Indication whether a food contains gluten, milk protein or egg*• Comments and rating for gluten intolerance*- More features • Filter function for selecting suitable foods• Filter for histamine, fructose, sorbitol, lactose, salicylate, gluten, milk protein and egg• Possibility to add own comments, e.g. to document individual allergies• Adjustment of the rating of foods• Integrated shopping list for planning your purchases• Direct link to Wikipedia articles for all products• No internet connection required• Uncheck unnecessary infos • Thumbnails for most foods- Nutrition facts (in-app purchase)• General nutrition facts• Minerals and micronutrients• Vitamins• Recommended daily intake• Glycemic index and glycemic load• Sort foods by nutrition values (works in combination with the filter function)- Allergy and filter pack (in-app purchase)• Additional filters for soy, fish, pork, beef, meat, sulfites, baker's yeast, wheat and nightshades • Extended filter function• Display possible cross reactivity foods for allergy to birch, grass pollen, nightshades, mugwort, legumes, latex, dust mites and tree nuts* This app doesn’t rate brand specific products but foods and products categories in general. It offers you all the information you need to deal with your intolerance and avoid common mistakes.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The app does not replace medical care and should not be used for diagnostic purposes. While the information provided here has been compiled to the best knowledge of the author, mistakes happen, since it is a complex matter, which depends closely on the individual person. We are constantly working to improve the app, but information may be wrong and may even contain harmful recommendations. The Baliza GmbH disclaims any liability as a developer of this app for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information and any resulting damages, consequential damages and other disadvantages. The assertion of claims of any kind is excluded.

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

【免費生活App】Food Intolerances-APP點子

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Food Intolerances APP LOGO

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Food Intolerances APP QRCode

Food Intolerances QRCode-APP點子
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