【實用教育app】Free IQ Test: Calculate your IQ|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Free IQ Test: Calculate your IQ|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Free IQ Test: Calculate your IQ-APP點子

Calculate your IQ and discover your score in an instant with this free application. This 10-question IQ test is based exclusively on logic. It will allow you to evaluate your capacity for reasoning, determine the range of your overall intelligence, and compare your score with the average of other participants. IQ, which stands for intelligence quotient, is a general estimate of the capacity of individuals to think and reason. Prepared by a certified psychologist, this IQ test gives a standardized quantitative score of your abstract intelligence. The result you will obtain is only a simple index of your intellectual alertness: it cannot qualify your level of intelligence on its own. During the IQ test, you cannot use a calculator, but a sheet of paper and a pencil are allowed. You must answer all questions, and if you do not have a sure answer, you are advised to follow your intuition. Finally, if you think a question has multiple answers, you must select the one that seems most obvious and most reasonable. What our users say: "I had some fun with it (and that was my primary goal when I decided to take it). However since English is not my main language (I'm Portuguese) I had some difficulties in understanding a few questions. In most cases I would attribute them to the idiom factor. But from what I know of myself I would say that the strengths pointed out by the test make a lot of sense and grasp quite well my greatest capabilities." - Tiago Bento (Portugal)

【免費教育App】Free IQ Test: Calculate your IQ-APP點子

【免費教育App】Free IQ Test: Calculate your IQ-APP點子

【免費教育App】Free IQ Test: Calculate your IQ-APP點子

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