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【實用遊戲app】Free Ollie|最夯免費app


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- Fast paced "one handed" action!!- A truly free experience, no timers, no waiting, no gems, play as much as you like! - Tap and Swipe anywhere on your way to the ocean surface!- You can jump between three lanes, allowing you a puzzle like strategic experience in dodging and evading the fishy enemies. Ollie's curiosity and love for gold has gotten him trapped inside a treasure chest which is being pulled to the ocean surface by treasure hunters! You play as Chum, who must race to the surface of the ocean chasing after his brother to free him from his golden prison! *** Game Features ***COLLECT GOLD AND PEARLSYou'll need a little help along the way to make it to the surface. Gold is dropping from Ollie's treasure chest, and you can use it to buy items and upgrades for Chum and his friends! Collect pearls from oysters to jump ahead levels and start with a helping hand!PROTECT YOURSELF!Chum can use starfish for helmets to give you an extra hit or two. Goldfish will give you the food you need to use Chums special powers!POWER UPS!Conceal yourself in a thick cloud of ink, and watch as the monsters just swim right past you. Or take fate into your own hands with the Sea Urchin Camouflage which allows you to knock out the monsters!SEVEN UNIQUE WORLDS!Chase Ollie through 7 unique and challenging worlds as you pass from the deep bioluminescent ocean floor to frigid arctic ice, shipwrecks, whale graveyards, ancient atlantean ruins, super heated volcanic oceans, and vibrant colorful coral reefs!CHUM HAS FRIENDS!Shmoo and Chubbles are happy to help Chum release Ollie! They have some special abilities of their own too, like attracting goldfish and starfish!ENDLESS MODE!Once you've freed Ollie from his treasure chest, you can replay the whole game endlessly! Try to beat your high score, the monsters keep get harder and harder to dodge!******************************************************Designed and Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus, and iPad******************************************************This game features In-App-Purchases******************************************************

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