【實用教育app】Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme-APP點子

Fruits ABC Kids Free interactive application for kids to help them learn and memorize the names of fruits in English. Learning and memorizing new things could be difficult and time taking for kids. However, it’s seen that kid learns things easily and quickly, when learning through sounds and colorful pictures. Similarly, this application uses sounds and pictures to make it easier and quicker for kids to learn the name of fruits and how they are pronounced in English. Fruit ABC Kids make it fun for Kids to learn.Features: -- ABC Fruits Book - To learn ABC and know your Fruits. -- A Game (for kids to listen to the fruit name and select the correct fruit). -- Poems(Some of the Great ABC Fruit poems for kids) -- Practice Exercise (This will help kids to learn the book and practice the fruit names on the device)Go through the ABC Fruits book with your kids and then challenge them to the Game to see how much they remember their fruits. See how quickly they grasp the concept of A For Apple and all the other letters in the English ABC.Poems always make it fun. In this version of ABC Fruits for Kids we add some of the popular nursery rhymes so that they can stay busy.Making learning about Fruits easy and fun for your kids. Have them try out the ABC Fruits Kids Free App today. The app also has a practice feature using which you kids can trace the alphabets and learn how to write their ABC.Learning has never been so much Fun. Learn today with the ABC Fruits For Kids Free. Download the Free version today and start learning.In case of any issues email us at info@digital-dividend.com.If you are interested in having a similar app of your own contact us at info@digital-dividend.com for a quick quote.

【免費教育App】Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme-APP點子

【免費教育App】Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme-APP點子

【免費教育App】Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme-APP點子

【免費教育App】Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme-APP點子

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Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme APP LOGO

Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme LOGO-APP點子

Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme APP QRCode

Fruit ABC Kids Free - Learning Fun and Nursery Rhyme QRCode-APP點子
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