【實用生產應用app】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin-APP點子

The official GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin fest app.

The official GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin fest companion app supports devices running Android 2.2+, and is optimized for phones and tablets of all shapes and sizes.

GDG DevFests are large community-run events that can offer speaker sessions across product areas, all-day hack-a-thons, codelabs etc.

More info: http://goo.gl/EIaSO

With the app you can:

【免費生產應用App】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin-APP點子

* View the conference agenda and edit your personal schedule

* View detailed session, code lab, and speaker information, including speaker bios, photos, and Google+ profiles

【免費生產應用App】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin-APP點子

* Participate in public #devfest conversations on Google+

* Get a reminder a few minutes before sessions in your schedule are due to start

【免費生產應用App】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin-APP點子

* View information about companies in the Developer Sandbox

* Keep up with announcements from the DevFest Berlin team during the conference

【免費生產應用App】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin-APP點子

* View your schedule on your Android 3.0+ device's home screen using an app widget

* Automatically sync sessions in your schedule to your Android 4.0 device's calendar

【免費生產應用App】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin-APP點子

* Beam session details from your Android 4.0, NFC-enabled device to another using Android Beam

Source code for the app will be available soon at https://github.com/russenreaktor/gdgsched

【免費生產應用App】GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin-APP點子

免費玩GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin APP玩免費

免費玩GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin App

GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin APP LOGO

GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin LOGO-APP點子

GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin APP QRCode

GDG DevFest 2012 Berlin QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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