【實用教育app】GMAT Math Review|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】GMAT Math Review|最夯免費app


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• 2300+ practice questions

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• 1300+ Problem Solving questions

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• 1000+ Data Sufficiency questions

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• Solution for all 1300+ Problem Solving questions

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• 313 review topics for comprehensive coverage

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• Instant score and performance analysis

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• Automatic identification of topics to review

GMAT MATH Review is a complete preparation package for GMAT that is sure to improve your quantitative score.

~ Take full length GMAT like tests and mini tests

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~ Review all the topics in details and improve your score

~ Instantly find out your score and performance in different sections

~ Review all your answers: relevant topics for each question are identified for easy review

Take Practice Test: GMAT MATH comes with more than 2300+ questions: more than 1300+ Problem Solving and more than 1000+ Data Sufficiency questions. GMAT MATH offers two different length tests: Full and Mini. The Full test is just like real GMAT tests: 75 minute test with 37 questions. The Mini test has the same format but half the questions: 37 minutes and 19 questions. Both tests follow the exact GMAT composition of Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency questions. While you review your answers, GMAT MATH will automatically select the relevant topic for each question.

Get Instant Score and performance analysis: GMAT MATH gives you detailed score instantly. It calculates your scaled score, your percentile rank, and your performance on different subjects area. For each question the relevant topic will be identified to focus your study saving you time. You can save all your scores and track your improvement.

Review All Topics: GMAT MATH is design to improve your GMAT score and help you brush up on the core mathematical concepts. For that it comes with complete review of all topics - 313 in all. All the ideas are presented into bite-size topics for fast and easy review. Each topic has complete review including definitions of all mathematical terms, explanation for all core ideas, all important formulas and equations, useful tricks and shortcuts. Each topic page contains the core concept along with examples and helpful reminder to watch out for the common mistakes student make.

To improve efficiency, the topics are arranged based on their level of difficulty instead of subjects: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Basic Math: a total of 65 topics covering properties of numbers and operations, fractions, decimals, exponents and square roots, algebraic expressions, equation with one variable, angles and lines, properties of triangles.

Intermediate Math: a total of 146 topics covering laws of operations, complex fractions, divisibility rules, prime factorization, percents and ratios, properties of consecutive numbers, average, mode, median, basic probability, operations with exponents and roots, operation with polynomials, factors and roots of polynomials, linear equations and inequalities, point and line graphs, properties of triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles.

Advanced Math: a total of 102 topics covering sequence of numbers, combined percent change, compound interest, work problem, combined ratios, average after addition and deletion of numbers, weighted average and mixture problem, negative and fractional powers, operation on radical expressions, rational algebraic expressions, logarithms, system of linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equation, function, sets and groups, permutations and combinations, advance probability, standard deviation, slope of line and mid point formula, properties of polygons, multiple overlapping figures, equation of quadratic shapes, volume and surface area of solids.

GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council®. The Graduate Management Admission Council® does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this web site.

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