【實用工具app】GPA Calculator|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】GPA Calculator|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】GPA Calculator-APP點子

The newest app from Stormin Dorman Productions!

GPA Calculator from Stormin Dorman Productions is the new best way to keep track of your grades and classes as you progress through your school career!

Add your semesters, classes and grades and GPA Calculator will take care of the rest. It will provide all of the stats you need to track your grades per semester as well as your overall GPA.

GPA Calculator Features:

* Simple, beautiful, easy to use interface. Easily and quickly add as many semesters and classes as you want. Even if you are in school for many semesters, GPA Calculator can track them all. The goal of GPA Calculator is to be as easy and intuitive as possible.

* Stats. GPA Calculator will show you all the stats you want from your school career including Cumulative GPA, Semester GPA, Best Semester and Worst Semester.

* Update and edit anything. Made a mistake entering your grade information? You can edit anything you enter into GPA Calculator without redoing everything again.

* The perfect tool for college students. Need to keep tabs on your GPA for scholarship purposes? With GPA Calculator all of this information will be instantly at your fingertips for you to use and monitor.

* Small app size. The <100kb application size will not take up any room on your Android phone.

* Tested on Android 1.6-2.3. This app will run on all versions of Android including the newest version of Gingerbread. Apps2SD is also supported for those of you with Froyo or newer.

Buy GPA Calculator today and experience how easy it is to keep track of your grades!

Please visit my website below for up to date information about all Stormin Dorman Production products.

Follow me on Twitter: @stormindorman

【免費工具App】GPA Calculator-APP點子

【免費工具App】GPA Calculator-APP點子

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GPA Calculator APP LOGO

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GPA Calculator APP QRCode

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