【實用教育app】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

This is a fee version. NO ADS in the game!

What's your children learn?

- Helping the children develop matching, tactile and fine motor skills

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

- Your child will know name of familiar pets

- 10 animals around us: ant, bee, cat, dog, elephant, fox, monkey, penguin and rabbit

Key features

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

- Educational games for kids free

- Very easy for kids

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

- Easy navigation and movement of puzzle animal options across screen

- Beautiful and high-quality graphics

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

- Lovely pets which is familiar with babies

- Great sound effects

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

- There are the presents for kids after 5 puzzles: candy, bubble, ice-cream.

How to play

Game for kids: animals name is designed for young minds and tiny fingers, the game-play is very very simple. There are one animal shadow and 4 animal options every playing scene. There is one option is matching with the shadow. The kids must navigate the correct option to the shadow for matching. The game is enriched with animations, pronunciations, sounds and interactivity for repeat playing & learning. It will keep your kids busy and keep on playing with a new puzzle forever.

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

This is an educational game for kids. Your children will learn many things while playing. Your kids know the name of 10 familiar animals around us. Your child will develop matching, tactile and fine motor skills.

This is only an educational game for toddlers. There is not the win-lost feature in the game. Everything is designed for educational goal, nothing else.

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

The funny background musics will be got your child excited to learn while playing. We spent to research sounds of videos Baby Einstein or Little Einsteins, (Baby Einstein is a line of multimedia products and toys that specialize in interactive activities for preschool viewers aged 4 years old and younger. Subjects music, art, language, science, and mathematics are prominently explored [wikipedia]), this is symphony of Bach, Mozart, Braham, Chopin, ... helps stimulate your baby's brain development.

Game for kids: animals name is a game for preschool, kindergarten (from 2 to 4 years). This game is designed for all kids on the world.

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子


Thank you for installing and using Game for kids: animals name. If the game is helpful for your kid, please rate 5 stars to encourage us. If you have any feedback or questions contact with us: firststep.apps@gmail.com

【免費教育App】Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO-APP點子

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Game 4 kids: Animals name PRO APP QRCode

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