



German-Vietnamese Dictionary by VLIL.NET and LONGDICT.COM

“Search as you think and get the results as you expected”


1- High quality words and examples

- More than 80.000 words and examples


- Included approved and reviewed Words and examples from LongDict.com

- Linguist and IT experts from LongDict team

- Intelligent search and filter function


- Receving the full results list with single words and their examples by searching or filtering

- Multilingual User Interface: German, English, Vietnamese

2- Intelligent search function:


- 'Exact Search' for Vietnamese, that means you will receive the exact results when you search a term. For example:

++ You search the term “từ điển” then you receive “Từ Điển”, “Từ điển Đức Việt” etc. (not “tụ điện”, “tự diễn”...)

- 'Exact Search' for German, that means you will receive the exact results when you search a term. For example:


++ You search the term “deutsch lernen” then you can receive “Deutsch lernen”, “Deutsch im Internet lernen” etc.

- 'Relative Search' for Vietnamese, that means the Vietnamese dialects will be ignored.

- 'Relative Search' for German, that means the search term is a part of result.


- 'Word Suggestion' function by typing error, that means the dictionary will give some suggested words for typing error correction.

3- Intelligent filter function:

- 'Autofilter' function will be automatically activated by typing onto the search field. The suggested results list will be filtered basing on the input term.


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