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The world's authority on protecting general aviation, General Aviation Security examines the issues and stories dealing with private and corporate aviation, private and general aviation airports, the aviators who fly the aircraft, the mechanics who keep the aircraft flying, and the infrastructures and industries that support general aviation.

Spring 2014: For the Spring 2014 edition we focus on flying training. Flight instructors Jason Blair and Neal McEwen reveal how they teach student pilots safety and security. Aviation legal expert Wendy Mia Pardew examines the elements of law in play when pilots accept and load someone's bag in their aircraft--whether they fly for the airlines or not. Joe Corrao delves deeper into the policy issues behind security regulations and efforts to have one consistent level of security. We interview aviation illustrator Steve Karp. Dave Hook explains how to determine if you can take unusual cargo and how to load and secure baggage and other cargo properly in small aircraft. Aleca King not only tells us about escaping fires, but also shows that she can fight fires wearing heels! And much, much more!

Winter 2013: Holiday Issue 2013. In this issue Joe Corrao examines the concept One Level aviation security. Legal writer Wendy Mia Pardew gets the ground truth on what it takes to for general aviation to use Washington Reagan National Airport. Our authors consider what they see as the biggest safety and security issues for general aviation in 2013 and 2014. We also take a fanciful view of flying the latest version of the Microjet (remember James Bond's little jet in Octopussy?) Aleca King gives a holiday point of view from the corporate aircrew perspective. And much, much more.

Autumn 2013: International Travel Issue. Faithful contributor Joe Corrao examines the merits of U.S. Customs pre-clearance for inbound international general aviation to the U.S. Guest contributor Charmaine de Villiers examines how safe it is to fly in Africa. We interview Jack McCormick, President of Bush Pilots Int'l, on flying South of the Border. Flight attendant and world traveler Aleca King tells us about her experiences on flying from the cabin crew's perspective. Professor Alan Kirschenbaum and Dr. Carmit Rapaport examine the cost of security from the perspective of passenger behavior. Finally, we kick off a brand new feature--Legal News You Can Use--with aviation legal expert Wendy Mia Pardew. And much, much more.

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