



Geo-Fence Alert**THIS APP IS FOR REGISTERED MOBILE SAFEGUARD MEMBERS ONLY**Geo-Fence Alert enables you to set up a boundary and uses GPS (if available) to monitor and find the location of your child, loved one, or other person when they enter or exit the set boundary, showing an address and a link to a map of their current location.USEFUL FOR PARENTS, GUARDIANS, LOVED ONES & MORE: Install Geo-Fence Alert on the phone of the person you wish to monitor such as your child, elderly or other persons. Stay informed with updated notifications when they exit or enter the specified boundary.FEATURES:• Email Alert message shows the address and a link to a map of the monitored person's (child, loved one, etc.) current location once they leave or enter the set boundary• Set up a Geo-Fence (boundary) by entering a location and a radius for the monitored person to stay within• Contact list - select up to 10 contacts to notify when the monitored person leaves or enters the set boundary• Optional Settings / Preferences such as the Alert Interval and Number of Alerts• Once activated, the Administrator password must be entered to de-activate the Geo-Fence• Once activated, Geo-Fence will continue to run in the background to check the monitored person's current location Note: Location services must be enabled and available in order to find location.AFTER INSTALLING, PLEASE READ THE USER GUIDE ON THE MAIN SCREEN TO REVIEWFUNCTIONALITY.Need help? Contact support@mobilesafeguard.bizDisclaimer: Geo-Fence Alert is presented as is without guarantee of each email alert being sent successfully due to a number of factors including the contact's wireless carrier, phone / wireless reception, issues with the contact's phone, and more. Location accuracy may vary depending on each device. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. We are not responsible for any adverse events or functionality issues following the use of Geo-Fence Alert.




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定时关机Ⅱ 真正断电关机

真正实现关闭电源(断电关机) 软件小巧,操作简单,只要设定好关机时间,每周关机天数,然后勾选上定时关机即可享受防辐射,防骚扰,省电的健康生活. 关机模式介绍: 1.“关闭电源”模式:(需root权限)即真正的断电关机,关机后耗电量基本为0,但关机后所有软件均无法运行(包括闹钟等),所以也无法实现自动 …

望望亲友定位软件使用基站定位、GPS定位、wifi定位结合的方式,为用户提供亲人及朋友之间的授权的手机位置共享,所有共享信息均可在地图上直接显示,也可以列表形式显示。 软件支持通过手机客户端和网页两种方式查询被定位手机的位置、电话呼入/呼出记录,短信往来记录。 下载使用注意事项: 特别提示:这里提供 …

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免费提供潮人必备艺术签名设计,让你的签名比明星还新潮,五十多种个性签名免费设计,设置超丰富,界面超豪华,制作超速度! 签名图片保存到本地目录:/sdcard/艺术签名/ 保存格式如:范冰冰_行书.gif,如果相同名字和相同字体的签名会覆盖保存。 签名设计保持本地还可以在手机上练习哦,涂板乱来都行,好 …

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