【實用旅遊app】GeoCaching Buddy|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】GeoCaching Buddy|最夯免費app


【免費旅遊App】GeoCaching Buddy-APP點子

GCBuddy; the ultimate tool for the serious geocacher when solving multi-caches. This app will remember every clue found and will calculate any derived clue or new waypoint for you. The final cache formula will be evaluated the moment all clues are found and entered.

"Powered by Geocaching Live"


GCBuddy now uses a direct 'live' connection to the database containing all geocaches of geocaching.com.

Main features


- Add caches from geocaching.com, opencaching.de, .pl, .us, or .org.uk

- Prepare a multi-cache at home on the device or using the web interface

- All images embedded in the local description are preloaded!

- Navigate to the parking location

- Enter answers to questions posed at a waypoint

- Calculate new waypoints using these answers

【免費旅遊App】GeoCaching Buddy-APP點子

- Calculate the cache location using all answers found

- Make log notes while caching

- Find your way back to the parking

- Backup all information entered for this cache by email

- Restore info from backup mail from iPhone or Android

- Manage the list of caches

Basic geocaching.com members: READ THE FOLLOWING:


- Basic members have a fixed filter on "Traditionals only" when searching for caches. This is enforced by Geocaching Live!

- If you know the geocaching code(s), enter each code in the first search screen after "I know the code" and download the full description of that cache which includes ALL information like size, difficulty, terrain, description and all predefined waypoints! Note that this can be done for caches of ANY type, not just the traditionals!

- Basic members can perform such a full download for 3 full caches / 24 hr period. This is enforced by Geocaching Live. After these 3 full caches you can still download caches to GCBuddy but these downloads only contain BASIC information (without full description and waypoint list). However, you can always make that cache up-to-date by performing a full download at a later moment.

- Premium members can download the full details for up to 6000 caches per day, view all cache types in your area, and access many more benefits.

A suggestion for improvement or any other comment is welcome at gcbuddy@btstsoft.nl

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免費玩GeoCaching Buddy App

GeoCaching Buddy APP LOGO

GeoCaching Buddy LOGO-APP點子

GeoCaching Buddy APP QRCode

GeoCaching Buddy QRCode-APP點子
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App Store



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