【實用教育app】German Khmer Tutor|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】German Khmer Tutor|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

German Khmer tutor to help develop your vocabulary.

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

Word match game. Match four head words with their translations.

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

- Advanced mode randomizes from the full dictionary, while the standard option selects from the most commonly used words.

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

- Review the study session history as a full word list.

** May require third party TTS voices for full speech support


Q. How do I play the Word Match game

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

A. Select New, then touch the head word in the left column and it's matching word in the right column. Its colour will change. Repeat this for all words and then select Submit to check the answers

Q. I am a more advanced learner can I play a harder set of words

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

A. Yes, tick the Advanced box to play against the full dictionary or untick to play against the 1500 words needed for high school

Q. Can I use the Word Match game as a revision aid or word of the day

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

A. Yes, select Revise to see the left and right words in matching order

Q. Can I see synonyms in the word games

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

A. Yes, touch any word in the game, after you have submitted your answer, to see synonyms and the broader meanings for each word.

Q. Can I see a list of words that have been used in the games

【免費教育App】German Khmer Tutor-APP點子

A. Yes, select Review History from the main menu

Q. Can I see synonyms in the History

A. Yes, touch any word in the history list to display synoyms

Q. Can I clear the game history

A. Yes, use a long touch on the list of word to be prompted to clear the history

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