



Getlokal is all about people, places and events. We make it easy for you to find great places and events anywhere. Find a place, visit, have a great time and write a review/publish a photo to help other people make a choice.

Why should you Get-Lokal?


Getlokal works anywhere that you are, and if we don’t have any places in your location you can add them and start your own Getlokal community.

The app supports 20 languages - English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Serbian, Swedish, Slovak, Slovenian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Icelandic and Greek. You can use the interface in your own language and view information about places and events from anywhere around the world.

Events that help you create memories


You know at any time when and where the coolest events are happening in your city: parties, concerts, shows, exhibitions etc. All events are sorted by proximity so it’s easier to choose where to go. Can’t find enough events in your city? Just add some places and we’ll do the rest!

Places that deserve you


You can explore or find on the map exactly what you’re searching for: restaurants, cafes, clubs, bars, theatres, museums, supermarkets, parks, cinemas and loads more. Read reviews from people who have already experienced the place to help you choose where to go.

Help other people decide


Writing reviews and publishing photos from the places you visit helps other people choose a great place for their next memorable get-together. And if we don’t have all the right details about a place you can help improve the listing by ‘Suggesting an Edit’.

Your Places, Your Events, Your App


Add a place – if you can’t find your favourite spot or there is a new place in town that we haven’t yet managed to list, you can add it yourself! Getlokal is about your places and your events. Make it work in your neighbourhood by adding your favourites

You can also experience Getlokal on your desktop with sites available in Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, Finland, Hungary and Russia and more countries to be added soon.

Important: In order for the app to work properly and show you relevant places and events you have to allow the app to access your current location.



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