【實用娛樂app】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget|最夯免費app

【實用娛樂app】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget|最夯免費app


【免費娛樂App】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget-APP點子

‘Today’s Greatest Girl Group’ – Girls’ Generation

Girls’ Generation win the ‘Today’s Greatest Girl Group’ all over the world.

【免費娛樂App】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget-APP點子

Enjoy the Girls’ Generation M/Vs with MV Widget!

Do you want to watch ‘Girls’ Generation M/V’ repeatedly? And Do you know how many M/V views at Youtube now?


【免費娛樂App】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget-APP點子

1. Tap and press on Home Screen

2. Select 'Widgets'

【免費娛樂App】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget-APP點子

3. MV Widget - Girls' Generation'

★ In Girls’ Generation M/V Widget

- You can check the Girls’ Generation Youtube Music Video(Official) total view count on widget.

【免費娛樂App】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget-APP點子

- You can check your view count of Girls’ Generation Youtube Music Video.

- Share your friend how many count you contribute in total count

★ Our Pledge!

【免費娛樂App】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget-APP點子

- When download is exceed from 10,000 than we will upgrade app. with new design skin.

★ Next Star Widgets?

- Do you want to other star’s widget? Post your favorite star at below blog to reply.

【免費娛樂App】Girls’ Generation M/V Widget-APP點子

More number of reply, faster release!


★ Attention

- You may incur additional charges for accessing Youtube video unless you subscribed to a special data plan for 3G/LTE (smart phone).

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免費玩Girls’ Generation M/V Widget App

Girls’ Generation M/V Widget APP LOGO

Girls’ Generation M/V Widget LOGO-APP點子

Girls’ Generation M/V Widget APP QRCode

Girls’ Generation M/V Widget QRCode-APP點子
Google Play