【實用角色扮演app】Grand Battle--MMO Strategy:War|最夯免費app

【實用角色扮演app】Grand Battle--MMO Strategy:War|最夯免費app


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內容介紹 :

------Show NO mercy!! You want war??? I'll give you war!!! Let’s WAR together, Commander!! ------

Grand Battle is the most realistic MMORTS that has ever appeared in Googleplay store. Lead your army, tanks and real battle forces to launch a bloody war against your enemy in the fierce battlefield. Join various Grand Battle fb activities with surprising gifts, and make real gaming friends worldwide. Don't forget to like fb page for awesome tips and other info!

It comes with the promise that once you start, you can’t stop. In Grand Battle, historical battle is held within the same server among players from all over the world such as China, Japan, South Korea, Middle East, America and Europe. You can build alliances with your friends, your country mates, or players from all over the world. You are the historical battle commander in conquering the world.

Grand Battle enables you to experience lifelike scenes, realistic fierce historical battles and military weapons similar like Red Alert. With stunning graphics and well-thought gameplay, Grand Battle is a true military strategy war game you are dying to have your hands on. In Grand Battle MMO, the urge of getting revenge, the excitement of more power and the claim of glory. With a Build-Attack- Destroy model, you will be a true commander thriving your way towards victory in no time.

Game Features:

- Free-to-play android MMORTS war game;

- Lead your alliances, chat with members, and fight together with your people;

- World-class defense system with Oracle, Rhino tanks of Red Alert, Gun Turret and Mortar Towers;

- Various military forces such as Infantry, Tanks, Jet Fighters, Missiles, Cannons, Landmines and Atomic Bombs;

- Arena challenging system and advanced leaderboard ranking rewards

- Spy satellite locating your enemy

-----Any problem or suggestions? We’d love to hear your voice: -----









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