【實用書籍app】Greek and Roman Mythology|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Greek and Roman Mythology|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Greek and Roman Mythology-APP點子

Learn more about Greek and Roman Mythology with this comprehensive and fully illustrated book. FREE first chapter in the trial version.


Intended for everyone interested Greek and Roman Mythology. Written in plain English.


Fully illustrated with maps, art, and photographs

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【免費書籍App】Greek and Roman Mythology-APP點子

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Table of Contents

Ancient Greece: Overview | Art | Greek Mythology | Ancient Rome: Overview | Religion | Etruscan Mythology | Art | Roman Mythology | Romulus and Remus

Greek Gods: Overview | Twelve Olympians: Apollo | Ares | Artemis | Aphrodite | Athena | Demeter | Dionysus | Hades | Helios | Hephaestus | Hera | Hermes | Persephone | Poseidon | Hestia | Hebe | Zeus | Primordial Gods

Greek Gods, Heros & Creatures: Asclepius | Orpheus | Achilles | Pan | Nymph | Siren | Prometheus | Medea | Muse | Amazons | Centaur | Minotaur | Gorgon | Satyr | Cyclops | Titans

Roman Gods: Fortuna | Faunus | Jupiter | Venus | Ceres | Neptune | Cupid | Diana | Janus | Juno | Mars | Mercury | Minerva | Pluto | Saturn | Vesta | Vulcan | Apollo | Bacchus

Heracles: Overview | Twelve Labours: Nemean Lion | Ceryneian Hind | Erymanthian Boar | Augeas | Stymphalian Birds | Cretan Bull | Mares of Diomedes | Hippolyta | Geryon | Hesperides | Cerberus | Lernaean Hydra

Poems: Homeric Hymns | Theogony | Cyclops | Iliad | Odyssey | Argonautica | Medea

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