【實用教育app】Greenwich High School Planner|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Greenwich High School Planner|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Greenwich High School Planner-APP點子

Planner, by Slate & Tablets, is now available for Greenwich High School!Not at GHS? Demo the app by logging in using "Demo" as your username and password. Note that the app is customized for Greenwich High School - it won't change for your schedule. To order for your school, visit us at snt-planner.comGHS Students & Staff: Stay organized this school year like never before with our app customized for your school! Enter your class schedule once and never lose it on any of your devices. That crazy block schedule won’t seem so crazy with our app in your pocket. Your iPad displays incredible week-at-a-glance views while your iPhone lets you check on your homework and lesson plans anywhere, at any time. You can even set reminders for individual assignments. We’ll let you know when school’s out too – our app already has the entire 2013-2014 GHS schedule built in.Teachers: You get to make use of our unique grade book! Taking attendance has never been more appealing with our beautiful attendance view. A straightforward points system gives you the most control over your grades, which are organized by assignment type. Our progress reports will get you singing though – a single tap on a student provides a detailed breakdown of their progress in your class so far, which can be emailed out to anyone.For more information about how to use Planner, as well as your school’s username and password, please see the instructional handout distributed by your school.Planner, by Slate & Tablets. Leaders in simply effective apps for school.

【免費教育App】Greenwich High School Planner-APP點子

【免費教育App】Greenwich High School Planner-APP點子

【免費教育App】Greenwich High School Planner-APP點子

【免費教育App】Greenwich High School Planner-APP點子

【免費教育App】Greenwich High School Planner-APP點子

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免費玩Greenwich High School Planner App

Greenwich High School Planner APP LOGO

Greenwich High School Planner LOGO-APP點子

Greenwich High School Planner APP QRCode

Greenwich High School Planner QRCode-APP點子
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