【實用工具app】Greetings Maker|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Greetings Maker|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Greetings Maker-APP點子

90% OFF!! For A LIMITED Period!!you could add your photos into albums which created by yourself.Hold your two fingers on one photo, you could rotation or resize it.(tap the photo twice in a short time will popup a property dialog)This application is used for create and send daily and warmly greeting to your friends via mail in 5 minutes.It's better to have a WIFI environment, so you could send the cards via mail directly, you could also export it into your photo album, then send it manually too.It's very approachable to use, with powerful features, such as rotation & crop with your fingers.you could store unlimited greeting projects and unlimited albums too.**Featured**1) Photo Crop, you could crop with different shapes.2) Painting3) Move & Resize & Rotation with one or two fingers(double click each widget will popup configure panel to lock or unlock the features)4) Export to photo album, or email to your friends5) projects managment6) more...Double click with your fingle on one widget will popup a property panel, you could lock widget or delete it.you could also resize or make rotation when the dialog is popup.when shake your iphone/itouch on editing mode, you could choose workspace clean option.

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