【實用休閒app】Guess Celebrity Actors|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Guess Celebrity Actors|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Guess Celebrity Actors-APP點子

Most of 450 famous actors and actresses

Completely offline

Game rules included

Link for each character in Wikipedia

【免費休閒App】Guess Celebrity Actors-APP點子

Game settings panel

      -Duration for a turn

      -Number of characters


【免費休閒App】Guess Celebrity Actors-APP點子

      -Number of teams

      -Teams and players names

      -Skip characters

Guess Celebrity (also known as Celebrities, Time over, Hurry up or Lunchbox) is a party game where teams play against each other to guess as many celebrity names as possible before time runs out. This is the perfect game to play with friends or family on a party, outdoor or saturday night. The game can be played offline anywhere.

The game tests your knowledge and culture with a team game that combines the best elements of Taboo, charades and Password. It's simple to learn and sure to get everyone giggling.

【免費休閒App】Guess Celebrity Actors-APP點子

Goals of the game

A party game in 3 rounds for two or more teams. To score the most points by collecting titles/names in 3 separate rounds.


A game is played taking randomly chosen names from device. Each team gets one minute to guess as many titles/names as possible, with one player giving clues to his teammates. Players can always use sound effects and pantomime, but speech becomes more restricted as the game progresses:

【免費休閒App】Guess Celebrity Actors-APP點子

-In round 1, Cluegivers can say anything but the celebrity's name.

-In round 2, Cluegivers can say only one word.

-In round 3, Cluegivers can’t say anything only use pantomime and sounds

Each round ends when all name have been guessed. All names are put back for the next round. High score after the third round wins.

【免費休閒App】Guess Celebrity Actors-APP點子

How to play

The players are split into two or more teams of three or more players. One team is randomly chosen to go first, on each team’s turn, one member of the team is the Cluegiver and the rest are the guesser.

Play begins when the cluegiver picks a name in the device. From that moment, the cluegiver begins giving clues to his teammates, he or she has one minute to get his team to guess as many celebrity names as possible before time runs.

In the first round the cluegiver can say anything he or she wants as long as it is not any part of the celebrity's name or a direct reference to the name. The team is awarded a point for every name they guessed correctly. When the team guesses the celebrity name correctly, the cluegiver draws another name from the device and continues until time is up or there are no more names.The guessers can make as many guesses as they wish; there is no penalty for a wrong answer. The cluegiver cannot pass and move on to a new title/name until the Guessers call out the correct title/name.

【免費休閒App】Guess Celebrity Actors-APP點子

The next team then picks a clue-giver which takes the device and play continues until there are no more names. Teams must rotate the clue-giver each round until every member of the team has been given a chance. The round ends when all title/names have been guessed. The current team will take the last turn in the next round, the next team who will start the round.

Round 2 plays just like Round 1, with the following changes: No more than 1 word can be used in each clue. The Cluegiver may not use more than one word per character to describe each title/name. The same word may be repeated as often as desired, but once a word is said only non-verbal clues may be added. If the Cluegiver accidentally uses more than one word the turn ends immediately.

Round 3 plays just like Round 2, with the following change: Only pantomime and sounds. The Cluegiver may not use any words at all.

The team with the highest score after all three rounds is the winner.

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