【實用生活app】Guidecentral Crafts|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Guidecentral Crafts|最夯免費app


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Guidecentral Crafts is a fun and visual way to discover craft ideas and tutorials, learn new skills and meet amazing people who share your passions. We provide a space for crafters to share their handmade projects and DIY craft ideas with our global community of over 500,000 members. For DIY birthday cards, easy crochet patterns, fabric craft ideas and more, get the free app now!

What users say:

- "Crafters delight, a DIYers best friend" - Emanual Pegram

- "My daughters and I can't stop using this DIY and crafts app" - Denee Anaya

- "Pinterest with rewards! Great app for crafters who love to showcase their works" - Sahana Ajeethan

Join the Maker Program!

Elevate your profile and get hundreds of new followers every month. Earn up to $4 for every new guide and a bit more each time the community engages with your projects. There's no limit to how much you can make!

Makers love Guidecentral:

- "The Maker Program has been a great part-time job for me. It has greatly enhanced my life and my crafting career. It has helped me plan, create and think ahead with braveness and creative spirit. It has been the one constant tool that allows me to stay home with my kids and get money for something that I love to do." - Heidi Greenwood

- "By sharing my skills on Guidecentral I am empowering people to make their lives a brighter and better place. I am able to earn some money to buy more materials and tools to better my skills and give back to the community. It’s a win-win for everyone!" - Michelle Eckert

Influencers like it better than Pinterest!

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- "No more finding something you love, clicking through and arriving at an error page, something that happens often on Pinterest. See how it is made right there, with step by step photos and text." - Red Ted Art

- "Guidecentral is like a nightclub for DIY tutorials. No bouncer, no velvet rope but you can meet and greet with amazing projects all night long." - Aunt Peaches

Main features:

- Browse popular topics: cards, floral, beading, gifts, needlework and more.

- Learn how to make things with basic supplies: fabric, leather, paper, polyclay and more.

- Discover projects like homemade gifts, drawing and art, seasonal craft ideas, and more.

- Create your own profile and stay informed with a live activity feed.

- Join the Maker Program and be rewarded for your projects.

- Meet and follow amazing crafters from around the world.

- Share any guide on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and through email.

- Shop your favorite DIY Projects. Find fun and unique do it yourself projects packaged into easy kits with all the supplies you need to recreate your favorite DIY ideas at home.

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Popular craft projects:

- How to Simply Make Your Own Rubber Stamps.

- How to Make Pretty Polyclay Roses.

- Make a Cool Woven Magazine Envelope.

- Make Beautiful 3D Cereal Box Stars.

- Make Pretty Rolled Paper Roses.

- How to Make an Adorable Fortune Egg.

- Make Pretty Beaded Wire Bookmarks.

Want to discover more DIY & crafts ideas? Get the free app now!

Interested in Home, Food, Style, Beauty, Technology and other DIY topics? Check out the full Guidecentral app at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=guidecentral.howto.diy.crafts. It's absolutely free!

For a better experience please sign up with Facebook, Twitter or email.

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Questions or comments: info@guidecentr.al

Privacy policy: http://www.guidecentr.al/privacy

Terms & conditions: http://www.guidecentr.al/terms

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