【實用健康app】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

Up your motivation, improve your fitness, and stay on track with Gymprovise - a powerful, versatile, and flexible workout tracker for the Gym and outdoors, which gives you everything you need to PLAN, TRACK, & REVIEW all your fitness activity, and MAX your gains!

Featured in AndroidTapp's best apps of April 2013!


Here's what our users have to say:

"Perfect Well Rounded App for any Athlete - This is by far the best fitness app I have ever come across and I've tried out quite a few. Simply put, this has everything you will need to help you accomplish your fitness goals."

"Cream of the crop - Fantastic application makes for a lot of variety when your working out. Takes the prep work and boredom out of the whole process. Get it and get in the gym!"

Gymprovise is a Workout Tracker, Workout Planner, Exercise Directory, Weight Tracker, Progress Tracker & General Workout App. It makes it EASY to PLAN, TRACK, and REVIEW all your fitness activity, in the gym & outdoors. Gymprovise is a workout app with many features to suit everyone - from novices to advanced bodybuilders. See why it's the best Workout App!

Intuitive, battery saving, great looking UI!

-UI integrates perfectly with Android ICS (4.0) & Jelly Bean (4.1/4.2), and works with older versions too!

-Dark scheme, conserves battery life so you phone doesn't die in the Gym!

HUGE Exercise Database!

-Over FIVE HUNDRED Strength/Weightlifting/Cardio/Stretching Exercises - with instructions & clear, sharp illustrations. More with updates!

-Get the Exercise you want with Exercise Equipment Filter/Advanced Search

-Create Exercises if what you need isn't in the Database!

POWERFUL Routine Planning

-Create a customized Routine in minutes! Routine can be ANY length of time, not just weekly!

-Routine Creation features for all kinds of Routines - Weight Training, Bodybuilding, Strength Training, Crossfit®, Bulking, Cutting, General Fitness,Sports-specific routines!

-Advanced Training - Supersets/Drop Sets!

-10 built-in Routines! Available for beginners/intermediate/advanced trainers and support Muscle Building, Bodybuilding, Weight Loss & General Fitness goals

-Setup Variable Workouts to mix up your Training, whilst still being consistent with the goals of a structured Routine!

EASY Workout Tracking

Effortlessly track the perfect Workout in real time, in the gym or outdoors. Mix up your Workout for variety, and edit in real time!

-Integrated Exercise Rest Timer & Stopwatch!

-Modify your Workout on-the-fly!

-EASY per-exercise units conversion! No more messing with calculators, or doing mental gymnastics!

-Alternative Exercise Substitution, for when an Exercise is taken!

-Track Cardio Duration/Distance/Calories/Average HR!

-View Last Logs/Personal Bests - while you rest!

-SMASH your PB - with our 1RM calculator!

and MORE!

Plus we've got

Weight Tracking,Body Fat Tracking,Measurement Tracking

-Easily track Weight, Body Fat %, BMI, & Body Measurements!

-L/R sided Measurement Tracking supported so you can track symmetry!

Progress Tracking & Charts

-View a snapshot of your Profile, Stats, Weight, & progress

-View progress in your Program, your favorite Exercises, and Measurements!

-Crystal Clear Charts for Weight, Exercises, Measurements, whole Workouts, & more!

Fitness Cloud Storage & Logs Export

-With your Gymprovise Account, backup your data to the cloud, so it's never lost - even if you change devices!

-Your data is yours to export ANYTIME!

Built in Sharing

-Share Workout via Facebook/Twitter/Google+

Inbuilt Help

-For quick reference!

Try it and see why it's THE NUMBER ONE Workout Tracker, Workout Planner, Routine Manager, Fitness and Gym App on the Market! You won't be disappointed.

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

【免費健康App】Gymprovise Workout Tracker,Log-APP點子

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