【實用書籍app】Halloween Bunny - A Children's Story|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Halloween Bunny - A Children's Story|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Halloween Bunny - A Children's Story-APP點子

Halloween Bunny is a children’s story about the continuing adventures of Little White Bunny.Both kids and adults can page through it easily, and it is narrated so your child can listen while watching the pages turn. The story is sixteen pages long.The most unique feature about the Little White Bunny series is that you can record your own voice telling the story! Your children can hear your voice or the voice of a far-away relative to keep them in touch with the ones they love, which adds an extra-special dimension to the storytelling experience. Keep your child occupied when you need a moment to yourself!It’s Halloween! In this month’s story Little White Bunny and friends have some scary fun!Follow the adventures of Little White Bunny every month in a new story. Recommended for ages 3 and up.It’s Halloween! Little White Bunny goes to a Halloween party. But what happens along the way?Recommended for ages 3 and up. Halloween Bunny is a children’s story about the continuing adventures of Little White Bunny. Both kids and adults can page through easily. The story is sixteen pages long.Halloween Bunny is narrated so your child can listen while watching the pages turn, or you have the option of recording your own voice telling the story. Your children can hear your voice or the voice of a far-away relative to keep them in touch with the ones they love, which adds an extra-special dimension to the storytelling experience. Keep your child occupied when you need a moment to yourself!We welcome feedback at director@silverbunnybooks.com

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