【實用健康app】Handling the Sun and Sunburn|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Handling the Sun and Sunburn|最夯免費app


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Is TOO MUCH Sunshine Hurting Your Health, and Making You Look Way Too Old?

Are You Frightened That You Might Become Just a Fatal Statistic and Develop Cancer Because of Too Much Sun Exposure?

Do You Sunburn Easily and Want All Natural Fast Relief From Sore, Red and Even Blistered Skin?

If you say yes, then this book is definitely for you.

Here is a sneak preview of what you will learn inside...

★ How much you should cover up when you go outside

★ How to keep your vitamin D levels at healthy levels

★ How to understand when the rays from ultraviolet radiation are the most intense

★ The first warning sign that should tell you that you are about to get a sunburn

★ Why everybody reacts to the sun in a different way

★ Why you absolutely must err on the side of caution even if you do not see the tell tale flush of a sunburn immediately

★ What to do if you live in a very hot and sunny climate

★ How to handle the sun if your job requires that you work outside all the time

★ Why some people have more resistance to the sun than others

★ How to tell from your eye color and skin coloring whether or not you are more vulnerable to burning

★ How your ancestry and country of origin might affect how you react to the sun

★ Why cold temperatures can be dangerous when it comes to feeling a potential sunburn coming on

★ How snow can cause you to suffer extreme sunburn

★ How pollution has made our exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays worse

★ When it is a good idea to stay out of the sun

★ How you can use an umbrella to protect your skin

★ How cool sea breezes can prevent you from feeling a sunburn when you are sailing or doing water sports

★ Why cyclists are in more danger than most people of getting a sunburn

★ Why you can still get a dangerous burn even if you are sitting in the shade

★ How to avoid getting a sunburn on your neck (a common occurrence for many people even if they are wearing a hat!)

★ How being dehydrated from the heat can also make you more susceptible to sunburn

★ Why building up your exposure to the sun gradually might offer protection from sunburn

★ What antibiotics and over the counter drugs can make you more susceptible to the sun

★ How eating a diet that is poor in nutrient and vitamins can affect your resistance to the sun

★ Why eating fish might protect you from bad effects from the sun

★ How to use garlic to reduce you sun sensitivity

★ How to avoid herbs and food that might actually increase your potential to be sunburned

★ How increasing your immune system can help you fight the adverse effects of the sun

★ Where to find special clothing brands that manufacture garments that are specifically designed to protect you from the sun

★ and much, Much More!

*** On Sale Now! (Normal Price $17.99) ***

Get it now before promotion ends!

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