



Handseller™ creates innovative software developed specifically for Independent Bookstores and their customers.Handseller™ is a mobile app that generates personalized book recommendations for readers based on a unique set of sorting and filtering criteria chosen by the reader for each specific search, by finding ‘more books like this book’ or ‘more authors like this author’, or by a subject-specific search requested by the reader. These recommendation searches can be done in the Adult, Young Adult and Children’s book categories. The Handseller™ user will be shown book details for each recommended book, along with book reviews and designations for award winners and best sellers. The reader then has the ability to create lists to save, share and edit in the future. The Handseller™ user can share book details and lists via email templates and/or popular social media options.The barcode scanning feature on the mobile app gives a reader a quick means by which to find and save information about one or many books based on the unique bar code assigned to the specific title or titles. Connected to Independent Bookstores throughout the United States who are part of the Handseller™ network, a mobile or web user of Handseller™ has the ability to get reading recommendations for books that are currently available at a participating bookstore for immediate purchase or to be put on hold so that the reader can visit the store and consider a potential purchase in person. By choosing a bookstore of preference, a reader then has the ability to see the book reviews and lists of unique recommendations made by that specific bookstore and its staff.An accompanying web version of Handseller™ is available to Independent Bookstores for use within a store’s individual store website or on the store’s retail floor as a resource for customers and employees to consult.For more information, contact info@Handseller.com










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