【實用健康app】Hangover Remedy|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Hangover Remedy|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Hangover Remedy-APP點子

>>> Hangover Remedy <<<

What Is a Hangover Anyway?

A hangover is a series of unpleasant physiological symptoms as a result of the body’s reaction to heavy consumption of alcohol.

Hangovers usually consist of nausea, headaches, hypersensitivity to sound and light, heavy thirst, dryness in the mouth, symptoms of dysphoria such as depression or anxiety, as well as other symptoms such as sluggishness, apathy, and inactivity.

Hangover symptoms can last 1 hour or even up to two to three days following the heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Many of the causes can be alleviated including, but not limited to preventing dehydration, acetaldehyde intoxication and deficiencies of vitamin B12 due to the effects of the metabolism of alcohol in the human body.

- Inside This Application :

- What Is A Hangover Anyway?

- What Cause A Hangover?

- What Are The Symptoms Of A Hangover?

- How Do I Avoid A Hangover?

【免費健康App】Hangover Remedy-APP點子

- Before You Start Drinking...

- While You Are Drinking...

- After Drinking/Before Going To Sleep...

- How Do I Treat My Hangover?

- 7 Things Not To Eat When Hangover

- Puzzle Game - Am I drunk ?

【免費健康App】Hangover Remedy-APP點子

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