【實用健康app】Health Yoga MAX|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】Health Yoga MAX|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】Health Yoga MAX-APP點子

Health Yoga is your ONE STOP GUIDE for ROUTINE health, SEXUAL health, WOMEN health, MEN health & LOT MORE!

UPGRADE to Health Yoga PRO & get more! Upgrade to Health Yoga MAX & get ALL!

Health Yoga will guide you with what Yoga Asanas (Poses) one should follow to gain potential benefits and relieve oneself from any of the health problems.

Health Yoga provides STEP by STEP details on the Yoga Poses for the following Health Problems:

Some of the well known Health Problems: Diabetes, Constipation, Cough, Dysentry, Headache, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Stone, Low Blood Pressure, Lumbar Pain, Obesity

Sexual Health Related: Impotence, Menstruation Problems, Sexual Sublimation, Uterus & Ovary Disease

Other Known Hleath Problems: Drowsiness, Insomnia, Asthma, Bronchitis, Digestion Problems, Fever, Lungs & Chest Problems, Throat Problem

Other Health Problems like: Bile Derangement,Blood Loss/Impurities,Colic, Dermatic Dieseases, Ear, Eyes, Nose Pain, Elephantiasis, Hernia, Hysteria, Intestinal Disease, Leg Ailments, Leg/Arm Shortness, Leprosy, Leucoderma, Liver & Spleen Enlarged, Paralysis, Piles, Pyorrhoea, Rheumatishm, Tuberculosis (T.B.), Vein Impurities..

Download Health Yoga TODAY to find out what Yoga Poses you should start practicing TODAY!

Health Yoga is a must have Yoga App that details out all the various Yoga Poses with beautiful graphics and step by step guide on how to do the yoga. It also gives you some history of each pose along with it's benefits.

100+ yoga poses (in its most upgraded level) with instructions and photo. A noteworthy application for those who seek perfection of body and mind.

Professionally made content, photo and convenient grouping of poses according to their level and type will turn your yoga routine into an inspiring travel to the depths of your being.


· Cutest Graphics

· 100+ Positions (topmost upgrade level)

· Detailed Description of each graphics

· MILLION DOLLAR TIPS of each graphics

· Track Your Done/Todo/Favourite/Not Done Topics

· Browse by various creative Categories


【免費健康App】Health Yoga MAX-APP點子

· Avatar Creation

· Password Protection

· Email Positions

· Find out Most Popular Ones

· Find out Pick of the Moment

· Feeling Lucky

· Share on Facebook

Comes in 3 Levels of Upgrade with this FREE App to allow you to keep going step beyond the current level at a time or go all in one at your own pace!



【免費健康App】Health Yoga MAX-APP點子

Please use your discrete judgement in trying the position out as per tips and description. We are here to help and are NOT responsible for you getting impacted at any level due to this app. Use it as your guide. We can not answer questions in the review section. For support or questions, please use the send feedback button in the app or email us at info@learningdart.com

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免費玩Health Yoga MAX App

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