【實用醫療app】Heart Attack - Free|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】Heart Attack - Free|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】Heart Attack - Free-APP點子

Every year, nearly a million American suffer a heart attack, and tens of thousands survive it, they then succeed to get back to work and enjoy an ordinary life. Most of them consider it an accident because it was an unexpected incident, but what actually happened? How to avoid it? And can you live with any of its consequences? Nowadays, you can have every reason to be confident of a full recovery. Your heart is healing and with each passing day, you will get stronger and be more active.

The “Heart Attack” App is thus crucial for its original idea, simplicity, animation and voice over.

The following questions and simplified answers will help you better understand your heart's wellbeing, and unveil many difficult medical terms and explanations, such as:

Q-1: What is a "Heart Attack"?

Q-2: What is the pain that is similar to that of a heart attack?

Q-3: How does a heart attack happen?

Q-4: What should you do in case of a heart attack?

【免費醫療App】Heart Attack - Free-APP點子

Q-5: How can a heart attack be treated?

Q-6: What is a "Therapeutic catheter"?

Q-7: Is the heart attack different for women?

Q-8: What is the rehabilitation of a heart (attack?) patient?

Q-9: When and how can I have sex?

Q-10: How to protect yourself from heart attacks?

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- This application was revised and accepted by; “the Continuous Medical Education Council - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University, Egypt” for public medical education.

A. Zaki, MD

Professor of Cardiology,

【免費醫療App】Heart Attack - Free-APP點子

Cairo University, Egypt


【免費醫療App】Heart Attack - Free-APP點子

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Heart Attack - Free APP LOGO

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Heart Attack - Free APP QRCode

Heart Attack - Free QRCode-APP點子
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