【實用生活app】Heilung 100 HD|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Heilung 100 HD|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Heilung 100 HD-APP點子

“Heilung 100 HD” collects 100 bible verses in dutch version, aiming to

present how GOD

shows His sympathy for us

inspire us, and

heals us

【免費生活App】Heilung 100 HD-APP點子

when we are sick.

You must aware that right after Adam and Eve sinned, sickness has become our

source of painless and always weaken our flesh. However, we should not be

depressed, the help from our heavenly Father always accompany us. Going

through every page of the Bible, we could see how our seniors experienced

the gracefulness and righteousness of our Lord when their bodies were weak.

To help you to be inspired by the scripture, we have incorporated one

picture to every verse.

“Heilung 100 HD” has incorporated the following features:

Record your thoughts

While reading a bible verse, there may be associations, thoughts,

appreciation, feeling…rapture in your mind, just one click away to jot down

this previous moment.

Share your thoughts

With one click, your thought or the verse being read will be automatically

become the content of an email, blog and facebook; you could share your mind

with others immediately.

Get your target searched

【免費生活App】Heilung 100 HD-APP點子

“Heilung 100 HD” will find the verses as well as your written thoughts

embedded with your target phrase or words input.

免費玩Heilung 100 HD APP玩免費

免費玩Heilung 100 HD App

Heilung 100 HD APP LOGO

Heilung 100 HD LOGO-APP點子

Heilung 100 HD APP QRCode

Heilung 100 HD QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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