【實用書籍app】Hello Kitty's Magical Book - The Ugly Duckling|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Hello Kitty's Magical Book - The Ugly Duckling|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Hello Kitty's Magical Book - The Ugly Duckling-APP點子

Description: +Engaging animations and illustrations with Hello Kitty and Friends that will fascinate your child! +Educational games & puzzles to keep your child entertained! +Pleasant audio narration option that guides your child from page to page without your help!Download “The Ugly Duckling” story, and your child will learn and develop with the help of Hello Kitty and her friends. Overview: Hello Kitty’s “The Ugly Duckling” is a part of the Hello Kitty Magical Book Series – an exciting interactive and rich reading experience for classical children's stories. Children will be immersed in the magical world of Hello Kitty and interact with Kitty, Badtz-Maru, and My Melody on their adventures. Features/Functions: +Games & Puzzles – help develop recognition skills +Interactive Animations – touch characters & hear them talk +Automatic Reader & Sleep Mode – let the book read for you +Narration in English, Chinese, & Spanish

【免費書籍App】Hello Kitty's Magical Book - The Ugly Duckling-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Hello Kitty's Magical Book - The Ugly Duckling-APP點子

【免費書籍App】Hello Kitty's Magical Book - The Ugly Duckling-APP點子

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