



Your complete Guide to the Gold Coast AustraliaHello Gold Coast will help you explore all the wonderful and exciting things the Gold Coast has to offer, from major theme parks and attractions to canal cruises and jet boat rides. Complete with a comprehensive dining guide and some ideas on some great places to shop. All listings are complete with concise descriptions, images, direct contact details, map of location, Facebook & Twitter capabilities, discount coupons and you can even add items to your favourite’s basket. The application is complete with an events calendar listing some of the major events happening on the Gold Coast so you can see what will be on when you plan to visit plus, local area maps to help you find your way around. We also have a GPS feature to help you find attractions, restaurants, shopping near your current location. The application also includes comprehensive local information about the area, the beaches, the hinterland and much more. The biggest benefit to the Hello Gold Coast application is the amount of money you can save $$$ by using the discount coupons. Simply present your phone to the restaurant or activity to redeem your special offer!!FEATURES- Over 150 entries including attractions, cruises, restaurants, shopping and more...- Over 300 photographs- Easy to use layout & navigation- GPS tracking to tell you what is nearby- Listings for attractions, activities, cruises, car hire, restaurants, shopping, things to do with kids- Every listing includes address, phone number, email address, web address, map, comprehensive description, images, Facebook & Twitter features, discount coupon, ability to add to favourites- Discount coupons- Comprehensive information on the local area, beaches, beach safety, hinterland, shopping and nightlife- Original descriptions written by our advertisers and staff- Free updates for life- Users can offer feedbackAbout the AuthorsHello Gold Coast publishes a tourism magazine on the Gold Coast, Australia which has been in publication for 15 years. There is also a comprehensive web site which has been live for 9 years. The staff at Hello Gold Coast is very passionate about the area in which they live and have vast knowledge of the local area, attractions and hidden beauties that the Gold Coast, Australia has to offer. This application was designed to assist visitors to the area to find some of these hidden treasures, enjoy some great discounts, and easily find their way around. If you have any problems, comments or suggestions for improvement, we’d love to hear from you – support@hellogoldcoast.com.au





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