【實用生活app】Her Wardrobe|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Her Wardrobe|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Her Wardrobe-APP點子

Her Wardrobe is a clothes manager and wardrobe assistant specifically designed for her. With Her Wardrobe you can: - Take pictures of your clothes or import from your photo library and organise them. Add details such as clothing type, brand, colour, material, size, cost and washing instructions. Or add your own special notes. - Add multiple images per item. - Mark items as favourites and easily browse your favourite items. - Browse your clothes by brand or by item type in a catwalk runway style gallery. - Create bespoke outfits for a special event or the week ahead. Create as many outfits as you like and give each one a unique name. - Use the calendar function to plan your outfits for upcoming dates. - Create lists of clothes to pack for upcoming trips using the Pack a bag feature. Add whole outfits or individual items of clothing. - Use the unique Colour Match feature to ensure you always look your best. Select an item and then match it to others or get suggestions to complete your outfit. - Search your clothes by type, brand, colour or material with the powerful and easy-to-use search function. Create complex queries with just a few clicks. - Share your latest outfits or clothes items via Twitter, Facebook, email, print, save to camera roll or copy (allowing you to paste into MMS/iMessage). - See stats on your wardrobe including the total number of items and outfits, the total value of your wardrobe and your top 10 item types, brands and colours.Design and built by www.theappcreator.com

【免費生活App】Her Wardrobe-APP點子

【免費生活App】Her Wardrobe-APP點子

【免費生活App】Her Wardrobe-APP點子

【免費生活App】Her Wardrobe-APP點子

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