【實用通訊app】Hindi English Translator|最夯免費app

【實用通訊app】Hindi English Translator|最夯免費app


【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

This app is able to translate words and texts from English to Hindi, and from Hindi to English. Very useful app for easy and fast translations, which can be used like a dictionary.Hindi (or Hindustani) is one of the official languages of India.Very simple and user friendly way for Hindi to English translation and English to Hindi translation.

Below are the list of features in Hindi English Translator Buddy:

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

1. Very simple user interface - Translation, Word Meaning and English Pronunciation are as easy as simple click

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

2. Translate Hindi words and sentence to English

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

3. Translate English words and sentences to Hindi

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

4. Pronunciation of English words and sentences

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

5. Hindi English Dictionary

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

6 Low memory usage and small size.

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

7 Easy to use simple app interface with new look and feel.

This app has:

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子


【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

* English to Hindi section (अंग्रेजी - हिन्दी शब्द अनुवाद): Find Hindi translation / meaning for English words. To search, type the word you want to search in the search field & the matching words will be listed automatically .

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

* Hindi to English section (हिन्दी - अंग्रेजी शब्द अनुवाद): Here you can find Hindi to English translation. No need to separately download another dictionary app for this.

This is not only a Dictionary but also a vocabulary and learning tool. Use this dictionary ( Hindi to English and English to Hindi ) free of cost & reduce the hardships in finding out English meaning of Hindi words and vice verse. The translator is available at word level and sentence level. This app is also the best reference guide among school apps for kids.

【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

Help us to make this free dictionary as the popular and best rated app book for Hindi translation to English.

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【免費通訊App】Hindi English Translator-APP點子

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