



Express yourself HonestliShare what's on your mind . . . Honestli! Be a part of our anonymous community designed to let you be the real you. Speak openly into a world free from friends and family seeing every photo and idea you want to post. Enter the "Confessional" to share and see the most personal Honestli posts, or choose several other topics of interest to personalize what you see and do on Honestli. Oh, an important fact to know, Honestli isn't just another app for high school bullying or lame lewd posts. Those already exist. Instead, we give you the power to select only the topics you want to read and block the users you want to ignore. We are the leading app for Free and Intelligent Expression about real life and the world around us! C'mon in and start expressing yourself Honestli. Main Features: • Create your own identity in the community and share what you Honestli think and feel• Post your thoughts and opinions on topics including: Politics, Work, Life, Sports, Entertainment, and yes, even the confessional• Only see posts on topics you are interested in – ignore any trash or trolls • Follow your favorite community posters• Comment on what others say in the community• No names, profiles or personal information can be accessed by users• Block users you may find offensive or just plain annoying!










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依蓝雄是一支活跃于云南丽江的傈僳人乐队,为自己的音乐梦想而努力。这是专门为依蓝雄乐队发布的个性化专属应用。本应用归依蓝雄乐队所有,任何人均可免费下载使用。作为应用所有者,依蓝雄乐队可以以文字、图片、录音、录像等丰富的形式发布自己的演出实况、团队生活和音乐感悟。作为喜爱依蓝雄乐队的歌迷,使用者可便捷地 …

我的大学,在滑铁卢开始,想必也在这里结束。一天天,日子走得很快,不知道母校有没有老去。似乎没有,因为我看见无尽的生机随四季来来往往。这里的景与物,人与事,让我醉心,让我一世牵挂。让我们用手中的镜头,记录它的点点滴滴;在微博上,与全世界懂中文的人分享我的母校。本应用专为University of Wa …

To make use of the Embrace+ App you need to have an Embrace+ Band.Embrace+ utilizes a simple concept of light and vibration that alerts you to changes …